Sunday, August 21, 2005

Waiting for Lauryn

Lauryn is due home today from her trip to PEI. Can't wait to see her. She'll have so many stories. Hopefully she'll dictate a blog entry for me.
Any St. George people want to comment on who will win St. George idol? What's with having someone from Maine in St. George idol in the final 2 no less? Also, last week I didn't feel like voting for Canadian idol, then my favorite, Suzi, was in the bottom 2. OMGosh, I felt totally responsible! Casey is cute and a good singer and a fellow NBer, but she's not really ready to entertain on the stage. Suzi rocks it! Comments, please! Who's your fave? Going to a bridal shower for a friend/co-worker later this afternoon. Went to see Red Eye last night with some girl friends. Good movie, not what I thought it would be from seeing the previews. Would recommend it. oh, and Colby from Survivior is in it! I guess he made the transition from reality show to actor okay. I asked Warren if he wanted to blog and he says no. I tried.


kkkKatie said...

BOO YOU WARREN! U should blog once in a while to give your poor wife a break! hehe!
I remember Canadian Idol! Awe! I was wondering why it was taking so long this time for American idol to come back again, but I guess before I always had Canadian Idol to make the gaps between american idol shows a little shorter. Down here however, Americans are too into themselves to show us a little Idol from another country. Bunch of geeks! Grrrrrrrr (the frustration with 'The American Way' gets bigger and bigger). Miss you all lots!

lil said...

Don't know you, kkkKatie, but you made the comment that "Americans are too into themselves", and I can see that! We've lived 'down here' for 8 1/2 years, now, and our kids are marrying and becoming Americans, so I have to watch what I say, but alot of them are thataway. We just have to keep giving them info, and let them know the world doesn't end at the 49th parallel. :)
P.S. I'm Warren's aunt!

kkkKatie said...

Nice to finally meet you Aunt Lil (I've noticed your comments on Jeff and Warrens sites, but I wasn't sure of your relation to them... the giesbrechts are too big a family for me to keep up:)
I'm an old friend of Terry's and Warren and Carrie's who used to live in St. George. I just moved to Florida in may... I'm still in a little bit of culture shock! I guess I am still learning, just like you how to politely deal with and slightly educate all these American Egos;) Some of them don't even know where Canada is! It's rediculous! but most of them are pretty nice people.