Sunday, August 14, 2005

Pins and Needles

Well, it has been so long since an update. So much to say. I'll begin with the most recent events. I have crossed over never to return as I was.............I now have a tattoo. You see I have been thinking seriously about getting one for about 10 years. I went to get one 9 years ago when I was in PEI, but when I got there the tattoo place had burned to the ground. Was that a sign? Lately, my friend Jill & I have been saying we're going, but our schedules were opposite and neither of us were available at the same time. Well, on Thursday she called me at work and said we were leaving after work to go to Saint John to finally do it. So we took off, her and I, Lisa McKay, and Sara Comeau-although Sara didn't get to get hers. We got there early so we were looking at the display case with all the belly button rings and deciced that getting a tattoo wasn't quite enough torture for on night. Yep, we got pierced too! Something else I had considered until Paula told me how excruciating it was when she got hers! However after seeing Jill & Lisa go through with it I didn't want to miss out. Well, it was quite a night. When we went to talk to the tattoo guy he didn't really look familiar at first. Then Jill asked him is name and how old he was and I realized it was a guy I had gone to the banquet with at summer camp in Maine when we were kids. He looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay different now. Long hair, lots, lots, lots. of tattoos everywhere-his arms & legs were covered, those ear things that stretch your lobes out. Wow! Jill went first and was really stressed and almost wanted to leave. Then he started and she didn't mind it a bit. Then it was my turn. Not at all what I was expecting. Not too bad, just and annoying pain, not pain pain. A little bit worse on the outline. The piercing actually hurt more, but only about 3 seconds. Everything is healing nicely. Oh, I forgot to say the tattoo is a dragonfly, blue and purple in the wings, black outline, he did some shading too so it looks kinda like it just landed on my back. It's right around my shoulder blade. I like it. I'm glad I finally went through with it.
In other news, let me see, what else have we been up to? A couple of weeks ago mom & Syd went away so they let us use the cottage over the long weekend. We took the jetskis over to Scouts Camp beach for a picnic, roasted hot dogs. Then we went up the river and docked behind the Credit Union and walked up to Pete's for and icecream. It was a very hot day, perfect for being on the water. On the way back, Brooke, who was on with me , fell asleep. I can't imagine falling asleep on a jetski, but Lauryn has done it too. She was sitting in front of me so I supported her with one arm and drove with the other.
We are getting ready for Lauryn's birthday party on Tuesday. We're just having a small one this year. Usually she has 8 or 10 kids over, there was a major baby boom the year she was born in St. George. She's going to PEI on Wednesday with her friend Meagan so we told her that was instead of a great big party. Still, she's having Meagan & Caitlin & Ben over for a BBQ, icecream cake and a bon fire on Tuesday night.
Brooke is such a night owl, she never gets tired! I wish she could bottle up her energy and give me some. I think my body is lacking something, I so tired all the time. I used to have a lot more energy. Now I am rambling on, I am starting to get a head cold so I took some Tylenol cold Nighttime so I thinK is starting to affect/effect? my thought process.
Time to go read the other blogs. I hope they are updated. Darn, the dryer just beeped, I will have to go turn that off and fold clothes. DOH!!!

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