Sunday, August 14, 2005

Crayons & Glue

Well, after reading everyone elses blogs, I thought of some more stuff thats been happening. Yesterday, Brooke had her first haircut. So cute. Didn't really get any off the ends, but now she has little bangs. I saved the little curls to put in her baby book. I thought that since she is 2 and a half it was time for the haircut. Lauryn got a few inches cut of too. I think she was sad to have it cut, but it's so hard to get the knots out every morning when it is half way down her back. It's still long enough for a pony tail. Her school hair cut, we called it.
I took her school shopping yesterday after the Cooke family picnic at New River Beach. We hit Winners and Old Navy. Founds lots at Old Navy. The Children's Place didn't have much that was cute, no good sales. Some new underwear and an outfit at Zellers. She got a Barbie backpack and lunch box. When we put the last thing on the school supply list in the cart I almost cried just thinking about sending her off to school in a few weeks. She is excited to got to school, but I am sad to say good bye to the little girl that she is. One those nasty first graders get a hold her all her innocence will be gone! Even some of her kindergarten classmates will probably teach her a thing or two. I don't remember a thing about my first day of school except that Jamie Ross cried and Wendy Anderson taught me the F word! I sat with her on the bus-she being a second grader kindly took me under her wing and proceeded to teach me that when I got home I should tell my mom to F off. Well, I got off the bus at my nan's house and told her. I didn't get in trouble, but I quickly learned that even though it was all over the girls bathroom and second graders said it, I should NOT!!! We have already been to the playground at the school because Lauryn wanted to practice on the monkey bars before school starts. She is always thinking ahead! So cute. She just called from Tim Horton's. She is out on the town with Nan, bring home some Timbits.
Blogged out for now. Good night!


kkkKatie said...

Awe!! I can't believe it is Lauryns first year of school already! That's so cute and yeah, like you said, sad...:( I miss you guys soooo much. I love you all like family... well, you pretty much were part of my family while I was in Canada! You guys really mean the world to me and don't even get me started on how much I love the girls! Please say hi to them and give lauryn a congratulatory hug and kiss for me... wish I could have been there to help you guys shop...I love back to school shopping, and with BARBIE things... even better;)!! LOL!
Love; Katie xo

Anonymous said...

yeah, it will be like a new chapter in your family life, with Lauryn in school. We are so thankful she has a loving family, where she can learn the correct values, that is priceless. We love you all so much and will always be there for ya . Grandma and Grandpa. PS Will call Lauryn on her big day tomorrow!

kkkKatie said...

I'm your friend too... I love you too! I don't think you guys are weird! U R COOL! MOUAH!