Saturday, February 24, 2007


Well, considering that I don't ever take the time to actually type the blogs that I compose in my head I have decided on a new theme for the blog. I always have a book or 2 on the go so I'm going to post what I am currently reading and if anyone wants to read that and leave comments and have an informal cyber book club that would be great. As for keeping up with what the fam is doing, I will try to post pictures of what's been going on. Since August I have wanted to post some pictures of the Barenaked Ladies concert in Charlottetown, but they are on Warren's computer and I can't find them when I'm searching, but anyways we had a great time fourth row from the stage. Tonight we got to see them again at Harbour Station. They were great, but we got there late so I missed the Apartment-one of my faves. And, we weren't on the floor so everybody was sitting instead of standing and dancing so that took away from the experience a bit, but hey it was still BNL. Brooke asked me where we were going and I told her to see the Barenaked Ladies and her response was "EEEWWWWW, YUCK!" So, I explained that they were actually boys and they were not naked! OK, back to the book reading....
What I am currently reading:
The Book of Ruth-the fictional novel, not the actual biblical book of Ruth-by Jane Hamilton who also wrote A Map of the World which is a great book and movie.
The Diary of Anne Frank-can't believe I have never read this
Inside My Heart-Robin McGraw aka Dr. Phil's wife
Do I have ADD or what, why am I reading 3 books at once?

Some all time favorites:
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Thornbirds
The Prince of Tides
-Oddly enough all of these have movies too, but of course aren't as good as the books.
Anything by Maeve Binchy I love also.

So, what's your favorite book?


Bonnie said...

Love the new look! I am so jealous AGAIN that you got to see BNL. I have only started to enjoy reading over the last couple years, and don't have many books under my belt, but my favourite is Ted Dekker's Circle Trilogy: Black, Red, and White. They're awesome.

Steph said...

Such a loaded question! I couldn't pick just one book, but I did write about some of my favourites a while ago:

Naomi said...

Kerry, I'm so glad that I am not the only one that doesn't write the blogs I compose in my head. You'd have a lot more to read if I did. I feel as if they always come while I'm house cleaning or in the middle of something I can't stop.

Love the idea about the books. I LOVE to read and always have a book or two on the go.
Anne Frank is great. I read it as a teen. It made quite an impact on me. I honestly can't think of a favorite. Way too many to choose from. :)Give me little while to narrow it down.

Naomi said...

Have you read anything by Bessie Streeter Aldrich? She is one of my favorite authors. Her Song of Years is wonderful, along with Miss Bishop.

Naomi said...

Have you read anything by Bessie Streeter Aldrich? She is one of my favorite authors. Her Song of Years is wonderful, along with Miss Bishop.

GieserGazette said...

I haven't read any of hers, but I'll keep her in mind when I out scouring bookstores.

lil said...

Hi Kerry! That's great that you have time to read in your busy life! I've really enjoyed Beverly Lewis' books on the Amish lifestyle. Some of the German words were ones we used when I was growing up, so I feel some affinity to the way they do some things!
Bonnie, I just couldn't get thru even the first of the trilogy of Dekker's!! I won't tell him that tho~he attends the same church as we do.