A couple of weeks before Christmas we went to the Algonquin Hotel in St. Andrews to make gingerbread houses with the kids. There was judging after and Lauryn won a prize for her age group. She was so proud. I helped her only by putting the house together and putting the icing where she told me to. She said she knows she won because of the unique snowflake design on the roof! Her prize is that she gets to go back sometime to a Mad Hatter tea party. Maybe we will save it for her birthday party.
way to go Lauryn! Your aunt Bonnie liked to decorate gingerbread houses, too. Grandma just likes making them, not the decorating part! Love, Grandma G
YAY! Congratulations Lauryn!! You are so talented! I miss you girl... hopefully I'll be back soon:)
Love You!
~Katie xo
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