MONDAY: It's fun to cook for Tom. Today I made angel food cake. The recipe said beat 12 eggs separately. The neighbors were nice enough to loan me some extra bowls.
TUESDAY: Tom wanted fruit salad for supper.The recipe said serve without dressing. So I didn't dress. What a surprise when Tom brought a friend home for supper.
WEDNESDAY: A good day for rice. The recipe said wash thoroughly before steaming the rice. It seemed kind of silly but I took a bath anyway. I can't say it improved the rice any.
THURSDAY: Today Tom asked for salad again. I tried a new recipe. It said prepare ingredients, lay on a bed of lettuce one hour before serving. Tom asked me why I was rolling around in the garden.
FRIDAY: I found an easy recipe for cookies.It said put the ingredients in a bowl and beat it.There must have been something wrong with this recipe. When I got back, everything was the same as when I left.
SATURDAY: Tom did the shopping today and brought home a chicken. He asked me to dress it for Sunday (oh boy).For some reason Tom keeps counting to ten.
SUNDAY: Tom's folks came to dinner. I wanted to serve roast but all I had was hamburger.Suddenly I had a flash of genius. I put the hamburger in the oven and set the controls for roast. It still came out hamburger,much to my disappointment.
GOOD NIGHT DEAR DIARY. This has been a very exciting week. I am eager for tomorrow to come so I can try out a new recipe on Tom. If I can talk Tom into buying a bigger oven, I would like to surprise him with chocolate moose.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
It's a Boy!
SSSShhhhhhhh....Don't tell the kids, it's a secret, Warren and I have decided to adopt............a dog! His name is Prince, a 10 month old Springer Spaniel. He'll be arriving tomorrow or Thursday. Hopefully will post some pics.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
A Post for Heidi
Heidi, since you cannot read your comments or comment on other peoples blogs here is a suggestion. Disclaimer-I am soooooo technologically challenged that this may not have anything to do with your problem, but worth a try.
I wasn't able to post any comments yesterday. Frustrating after you take the time to comment then it won't post. Well, I was reading someone elses blog and they were explaining about getting the new betablogger thing. You go to homepage then look for (somewhere on the upper righthand side of the page) blogger in beta or betablogger. Once you switch over to that you should be fine-hopefully. Don't quit blogging! We enjoy reading it all the way over here in NB.
I wasn't able to post any comments yesterday. Frustrating after you take the time to comment then it won't post. Well, I was reading someone elses blog and they were explaining about getting the new betablogger thing. You go to homepage then look for (somewhere on the upper righthand side of the page) blogger in beta or betablogger. Once you switch over to that you should be fine-hopefully. Don't quit blogging! We enjoy reading it all the way over here in NB.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
A Busy Summer
A lot has been happening since my last post 3 months ago. Our highlight was going to BC in July/Aug. for 2 weeks to visit Warren's family. We have many pictures to post eventually. It seems like every weekend we were busy, not much backyard time this summer. The long weekend in August Warren & I went to see BARENAKED LADIES-Only the #1 band I have been wanting to see since I was a teenager!!!!! It was an outdoor concert in PEI. It was a bring your own chair thing so there was no way to book a close seat, but we got there enough in advance that we were in about the fifth row from the stage. The stage was really close to us. Lots of fun. We also went to see the Dixie Chicks in Saint John a few weeks ago. They were pretty good, but not as exciting as I thought it was going to be. I think after seeing Faith & Tim nothing seems as well put together. The BNL's are doing a cross Canada tour in 07 and are coming to SJ in Feb so I can't wait to see them again.
Lauryn started grade 1 french immersion last week. She likes it so far. Brooke starts preschool tomorrow for one day a week.
Tomorrow night I am going with a bunch of girls to the CCMA's(Canadian Country Music Awards) in SJ. They will be broadcast live on CBC. We were told that where our seats are will be behind the performers so we will be seen on TV. So.....if anyone is watching them tomorrow night you might see me! There's even a list of rules to follow, like no eating or drinking-only during commercial break, bring your spouse or someone you can be seen in public with, I guess if someone is taking someone that isn't there spouse they might get caught on tape?
Congrats to Jeff, Kristy, & Hayley on expecting a new baby! I will say goodbye for now before this becomes a novel. Besides, I want to read the other blogs!
Lauryn started grade 1 french immersion last week. She likes it so far. Brooke starts preschool tomorrow for one day a week.
Tomorrow night I am going with a bunch of girls to the CCMA's(Canadian Country Music Awards) in SJ. They will be broadcast live on CBC. We were told that where our seats are will be behind the performers so we will be seen on TV. So.....if anyone is watching them tomorrow night you might see me! There's even a list of rules to follow, like no eating or drinking-only during commercial break, bring your spouse or someone you can be seen in public with, I guess if someone is taking someone that isn't there spouse they might get caught on tape?
Congrats to Jeff, Kristy, & Hayley on expecting a new baby! I will say goodbye for now before this becomes a novel. Besides, I want to read the other blogs!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Well, I guess the title speaks for itself! Lauryn is growing up. She lost a bottom tooth. The tooth fairy left a toonie and an american dollar bill. Usually the tooth fairy only uses her debit card so she had to make do with what she had in the ashtray of her van, I mean magic flying tooth fairy mobile. Ash, Binky and A said that was cheap of the toothfairy for a first tooth, but Lauryn was happy with that! I will be leaving for Boston in 4 MORE SLEEPS!!!! Well, I'm going to have to get a second job because I bought tickets last week for the BARENAKED LADIES! I'm as excited to see them as I am Faith & Tim. They are playing in Charlottetown on the long weekend in Aug. just when we get back from BC. Then yesterday I found out the tickets go on sale at Har. Stn in Saint John on the 24th for the DIXIE CHICKS! Yeah, they are quite expensive so I will try to win them from the radio stn. that is giving them away. I need to think of a story of something that has happened to me and be the right caller. We'll see...Getting an eyebrow wax on Fri. to get ready for Faith & Tim. I don't want them to see me all furry. Lauryn is finished Kindergarten on Fri. She's excited to not have any more homework for a while, actually I'm more excited than her! Brooke is certainly growing up. Her vocabulary is very extensive now. She is a mocking bird. A couple of weeks ago she stubbed her toe on the door frame. She looked down and said, "Owe, damn it!" Warren and I said "What?!?" She took off running so we knew she knew that she shouldn't have said that. We had a good laugh. Later we asked her where she had heard that word and she said, "Mommy says it!" I don't think I do, but anyways, she is like a sponge soaking every word and action up! FUN!!!! Gotta get back to my desk mountain and weed through what I have been putting off.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Well, here it is.....a post!
Well, I will first start by saying that I didn't get to the Antiques Roadshow. The van decided that it needed a transmission instead. However, since I had already booked someone to work I went to Bangor on an impromtu shopping trip.
Mother's Day started with breakfast in bed. After church we went for a bike ride with my new bike that I got for Mother's Day. Warren had to pull both kids in the bike trailer. They really fill it up now. Next year Lauryn will have to learn to ride by herself!
Now for some exciting news.....I am going to Boston in 23 more days to see Faith Hill & Tim McGraw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited. I would be happy to see one or the other so seeing them together is way beyond exciting. What am I going to wear??? This definately calls for a new outfit.
Congrats to all the cousins on Warren's side that are pregnant or have just had babies! And especially to Bonnie, Cam and Kelsey on the arrival of Leah! We booked our tickets so we will see you all in July.
Since it is Friday, I should get back to work. K
Mother's Day started with breakfast in bed. After church we went for a bike ride with my new bike that I got for Mother's Day. Warren had to pull both kids in the bike trailer. They really fill it up now. Next year Lauryn will have to learn to ride by herself!
Now for some exciting news.....I am going to Boston in 23 more days to see Faith Hill & Tim McGraw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited. I would be happy to see one or the other so seeing them together is way beyond exciting. What am I going to wear??? This definately calls for a new outfit.
Congrats to all the cousins on Warren's side that are pregnant or have just had babies! And especially to Bonnie, Cam and Kelsey on the arrival of Leah! We booked our tickets so we will see you all in July.
Since it is Friday, I should get back to work. K
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Antiques Roadshow
Hey, there! Does anyone want to accompany me to a live taping of the CBC Antiques Roadshow in Moncton on May 19? I don't think Warren wants to go nor can he take the day off. I have one extra ticket. Can't wait to go even though there will be looooong line ups, but you're allowed to bring a folding chair, snacks, etc... so shouldn't be too bad. K.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Well, there's a couple of reasons to celebrate. A few weeks ago we took over Video Ville. So far it has been very enjoyable. I have been working a lot, but loving it! And Warren and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary on March 21. We went overnight to Inn on the Cove in Saint John. Check it out We had an amazing meal. The man that owns the place is a chef and has a cooking show.
We went to see Rob Thomas in concert a couple of weeks ago. Anna Nalick opened for him. She was good except for her weird catlike stripper dancing!
Spring is here, a high of 13 today. We had a great winter. Not very much snow. I think there was only one snow day all winter.
Is anyone watching American Idol? Bucky and his mustache have Got to GO! I like the bald guy and the gray haired guy the best. They would make a very interesting final. To hear them interpret the same song for the last show would be something to see. What's with Simon's middle part? He should definetly stop judging people's appearances!
Well, time to get back to work!
We went to see Rob Thomas in concert a couple of weeks ago. Anna Nalick opened for him. She was good except for her weird catlike stripper dancing!
Spring is here, a high of 13 today. We had a great winter. Not very much snow. I think there was only one snow day all winter.
Is anyone watching American Idol? Bucky and his mustache have Got to GO! I like the bald guy and the gray haired guy the best. They would make a very interesting final. To hear them interpret the same song for the last show would be something to see. What's with Simon's middle part? He should definetly stop judging people's appearances!
Well, time to get back to work!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
...I will blog for a quick minute. So today we went to the lawyer and signed the papers for Video Ville. I was nervous and excited. Last weekend we took the youth from the church to Crabbe Mountain. I actually skiied. I had fun once the fear faded a little. The first time I went off the bunny hill and headed down Dave's Dream I go going faster than I wanted to so I turned and ended up almost in the woods. Once I got stopped I didn't want to start again knowing as soon as I turned I would be headed straight down the hill. Yikes! Warren, the ever patient person that he is, stopped a little bit further down the hil to wait for me. I was on the verge of tears from fright, so I took a deep breath and told myself, "Kerry, what would you do if this was Amazing Race and the next team was coming right behind you?" That's all it took for a little pep talk. Warren is always saying that he wishes him and Terry could go on Amazing Race and I am always saying that if he went with out me he unless he won the million it would be a verrrrrrry looooooooooooooong time before I would get over it. So I figured I had better get down that hill and not let him down! I actually used blades instead of skiis and they were very easy to control after I got the hang of it. Well, I am very excited to start next week at Video Ville. Jeff left today. We will miss his lots. Lauryn cried when he said goodbye. I think Jeff took over as uncle when Terry left. I only hope I can run Video Ville as smoothly as Jeff did. If not, I hope they have good cell service in the jungle! Bye for now! Keep checking back for pics of Brooke's 3rd birthday party on the pic blog whenever I can get them on there. Our computer with the camera software died. Bye for now.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Some news.....
No were not pregnant! However, we did buy a whole lot of movies. Wow, you say, did we join Columbia House? Well, no. We are in the process of buying a video store. For everyone who has been to St. George, you will probably know Video Ville. So I am leaving the Credit Union and moving on to owning our own business. I am very excited, but I have so much to learn. Jeff will be giving me all his Ville knowledge next week before he goes to YWAM. So that's our news.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
I was just reading Wade and Jen's blog and remembered I had asked her what a "skiff" of snow is and thinking about how different our slang is depending on where you live and then I thought I would throw out this question:
(Only non Maritimers are allowed to weigh in on this issue)
-What is a door yard?
It's a common word around here, but when I went out west no one knew what I was talking about. Lets hear what you think it is...................................
(Only non Maritimers are allowed to weigh in on this issue)
-What is a door yard?
It's a common word around here, but when I went out west no one knew what I was talking about. Lets hear what you think it is...................................
The day after V-day
Yesterday Warren surprised me by having flowers delivered to me at work. Nice! Usually he skips Valentine's Day and waits until our anniversary on March 21. He also got me a book I have had my eye on - Cure for the Common Life by Max Lucado. Started it last night, so far so good. We ordered Chinese from the Good Wok in Pennfield. They were so busy that Warren didn't get home with the food until almost 8pm. Thanks to Tamara for sending mail to the girls. Lauryn is at Kings Kids right now so they haven't opened it yet, but every day she asks me if she got mail today so she will be sooooo excited to get mail, and Brooke, too.
Happy belated Birthday to Stephanie!!! Lauryn got to help her celebrate when she went to NS with mom and Syd.
I got tickets to see Rob Thomas in March in Saint John. I didn't go to Matchbox 20 when they were here and I wished I would have so this will almost the same. Newsboys are coming in April or May too.
Katie, our friend who has been living in Florida, is here staying with us. She's been babysitting for us. She came just in time. Paula, our regular babysitter, and her family have been sick so Katie has been filling in. Not much of a vacation for her at times!
Brooke is asking me to go get her and apple. She is watching Bambi 2. Warren, Lauryn, and Katie went to Kings Kids. Warren was driving the bus tonight. Brooke and I were going to take the van to Calais, Maine to get some gas and milk ( much cheaper, well worth the half hour drive) but Brooke insn't feeling too good so we'll wait until tomorrow. Just have to be back in time for Survivor!
Happy belated Birthday to Stephanie!!! Lauryn got to help her celebrate when she went to NS with mom and Syd.
I got tickets to see Rob Thomas in March in Saint John. I didn't go to Matchbox 20 when they were here and I wished I would have so this will almost the same. Newsboys are coming in April or May too.
Katie, our friend who has been living in Florida, is here staying with us. She's been babysitting for us. She came just in time. Paula, our regular babysitter, and her family have been sick so Katie has been filling in. Not much of a vacation for her at times!
Brooke is asking me to go get her and apple. She is watching Bambi 2. Warren, Lauryn, and Katie went to Kings Kids. Warren was driving the bus tonight. Brooke and I were going to take the van to Calais, Maine to get some gas and milk ( much cheaper, well worth the half hour drive) but Brooke insn't feeling too good so we'll wait until tomorrow. Just have to be back in time for Survivor!
Monday, January 23, 2006
Warren blogged????
Wow, who knew Warren could blog? That was his first one ever. I haven't even nagged him in a long time to write an entry. We are having great weather. A couple of weeks ago it was 12 degrees. We took the kids to see Hoodwinked. It is cute. Brooke sat and watched it and ate popcorn and rolos almost until the end. Lauryn, who is usually scared in movies was quite calm. Well, better get back to doing what I came down stairs to do-laundry!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Well, this is Warren.... I don't often blog myself, but I do read the blogs (which I enjoy), so it is not fair that our blog is so out of date. It is a nice to surprise to see a new entry when you click onto someone's blog.
We have been having quite the winter. You could almost mistake our weather for that of lower mainland BC. Well, we haven't had, what, 30 days of straight rain! But we are without snow, and yesterday was a bomby 9 degrees celcius. The winds have turned around and we are now sitting at -10. I got inspired today to build a small skating rink in the back yard. ( I guess I am expecting colder weather) Within an hour I had framed up leftover boards from the basement, and some leftover plastic. I flooded a fair amount of water which I am now letting freeze. I am going to have to put some taller boards on the one end as it is the clearly lower than the other end. I'll put some photos up once completed:>
Work has been busy, and is going to get busier. Seems like I am always saying that. I guess a person can only be so busy, it is just the rate at which you are falling behind that changes. Things will be falling behind over the next couple weeks:>
The girls are doing great. Lauryn seems to be enjoying Kindergarten, and Brooke is turning 3 in a month.
Kerry and I are going to be leading the youth at our church, starting the first Friday of Feb. There is no youth pastor, so we are forming a youth committee which will help in the planning of the events. Should be interesting. God is faithful, thankfully his strength is perfected in our weakness, so we'll put our trust in Him.
Well, I think I have run out of words. I could ramble on, but I will rather finish up and send you off to the next blog:>
Bye for now.
We have been having quite the winter. You could almost mistake our weather for that of lower mainland BC. Well, we haven't had, what, 30 days of straight rain! But we are without snow, and yesterday was a bomby 9 degrees celcius. The winds have turned around and we are now sitting at -10. I got inspired today to build a small skating rink in the back yard. ( I guess I am expecting colder weather) Within an hour I had framed up leftover boards from the basement, and some leftover plastic. I flooded a fair amount of water which I am now letting freeze. I am going to have to put some taller boards on the one end as it is the clearly lower than the other end. I'll put some photos up once completed:>
Work has been busy, and is going to get busier. Seems like I am always saying that. I guess a person can only be so busy, it is just the rate at which you are falling behind that changes. Things will be falling behind over the next couple weeks:>
The girls are doing great. Lauryn seems to be enjoying Kindergarten, and Brooke is turning 3 in a month.
Kerry and I are going to be leading the youth at our church, starting the first Friday of Feb. There is no youth pastor, so we are forming a youth committee which will help in the planning of the events. Should be interesting. God is faithful, thankfully his strength is perfected in our weakness, so we'll put our trust in Him.
Well, I think I have run out of words. I could ramble on, but I will rather finish up and send you off to the next blog:>
Bye for now.
Monday, January 02, 2006
And the winner is........................

A couple of weeks before Christmas we went to the Algonquin Hotel in St. Andrews to make gingerbread houses with the kids. There was judging after and Lauryn won a prize for her age group. She was so proud. I helped her only by putting the house together and putting the icing where she told me to. She said she knows she won because of the unique snowflake design on the roof! Her prize is that she gets to go back sometime to a Mad Hatter tea party. Maybe we will save it for her birthday party.
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