Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bloggin time again....

I am making myself blog before I read the other blogs because lately I just check out everyone else's blogs instead of blogging. There are some new ones that have been added so it takes more time. Well, we might get some snow tomorrow. We had a few flurries in November, but nothing that has stuck. We got the Christmas lights outside. Looks good with the green grass. I don't really like snow. Only if it snows so much that I can't get out of the house and everything except the video store closes down and we get to go down main street in 3 feet of snow to get movies to hibernate for the day with. Anyway, Warren's Christmas parties were last weekend. I say parties because the company he works for had one Friday night and Sat. night. There are too many employees to have it at the Algonquin on the same night. I went Friday night with him then we stayed over. Mom kept the kids for us. Then Saturday we came down from St. Andrew's and picked up the kids and went back to the hotel. Warren went to the party because he was helping with the slide show and I took the kids down the street to see the parade. They got very excited about seeing Santa and Mrs. Claus at the end. It was very cold, but fun. Last weekend I went and saw Walk the Line with the girls from work. What a great movie, even if you don't necessarily like Johnny Cash's music or know anything about him.
The basement is mostly finished now. It's all painted. I like all the colors except the bathroom turned out quite bright yellow instead of what I had in mind. Hopefully it will tone down once the floor and everything else is in the bathroom. The flooring comes on the 20th as well as the couch from sears. Looking forward to seeing it all put together. I am taking next Thursday off to go and hopefully finish my shopping. Need to get some babysitter and teacher gifts. I have a head cold and the nightime tylenol cold is starting to kick in so I better get to bed.


Aaron David said...

Sounds like you're having an eventful christmas time already. Gee you guys must hate having to go to the Algonquin twice..lol... anyway hope the cold gets better.

God Bless

kkkKatie said...

Awe, I can just picture the girls all bundled up beeming from ear to ear watching the parade! I miss you all so much!
That's great to hear that you are redoing your basement. It sounds like it's going to be a nice place to hang and for the girls to play. I know when I was sitting them they used to always want to go down there and play, so this will make it nicer I'm sure:)
Well, I hope I'll get to see you guys soon after Christmas. I love you and miss you!
~Katie xxxxxooooo

Bonnie said...

Hey guys, sounds like your basement's really coming along. My bathroom is also yellow and I really like it. Hopefully you'll like it when it's all finished.

kkkKatie said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS (Eve)GIESBRECHT'S! Take lots of pictures so you can post them for me ;D
Love, Kate xo

Aaron David said...


Thanks for the blog comment. Glad you liked the video.

Happy New Years