Saturday, January 29, 2005


I made roasted garlic and it was so easy! I'll put the recipe at the end of the post. I didn't have any french bread to eat it on so I used some cut up multigrain bagel. Good!!! It has finally warmed up to a bearable winter temp. The kids played outside today. Brooke while Lauryn and I were in Calais, then Lauryn went out when we got back. Nothing much else going on except I have to memorize some more lines from my script. Brooke really likes pretending she's a cat. Always crawling around the house meowing and saying "pat me". Good imagination. Maybe a future in a travelling CATS show? I've been trying to teach her to lick her "paw" and rub it behind her ear, but having no luck. Here's that recipe

Heat oven to 350
Carefully peel paperlike skin from around each bulb of garlic, leaving just enough to hold garlic cloves together. Cut 1/4 to 1/2 inch from top of each bulb to expose cloves. Place cut side up on 12 inch square of foil.

Drizzle each bulb with 2 tsps of oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Wrap securely in foil. Place in pie plate or shallow baking pan.

Bake 45 to 50 mins or until garlic is tender when pierced with fork. Cool slightly. To serve, gently squeeze soft garlic out of cloves. Spread on bread.

Tastes good, but major garlic breath!!!! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys
I love roasted garlic! I'm really enjoying your blog--maybe I'll have to start my own soon. Seems to be a popular thing. Keep up the work on making Brooke be more cat like. That's funny.
Miss you all
Bonnie, Cam & Kelsey

Steph said...

THAT was the smell! Geez, I wondered what that was...

Hee hee... garlic. I've made it before, but I do it differently. I just cut the top off the head (that sounds funny, but you know what I mean, right?) so that each clove has been cut, pop the whole thing in a small dish then drizzled it with olive oil and a sprinkle of salt. Then I just threw it in the oven

It's been a long time since I made it last - the garlic breath from that stuff lasts about a year.