Well, I will first start by saying that I didn't get to the Antiques Roadshow. The van decided that it needed a transmission instead. However, since I had already booked someone to work I went to Bangor on an impromtu shopping trip.
Mother's Day started with breakfast in bed. After church we went for a bike ride with my new bike that I got for Mother's Day. Warren had to pull both kids in the bike trailer. They really fill it up now. Next year Lauryn will have to learn to ride by herself!
Now for some exciting news.....I am going to Boston in 23 more days to see Faith Hill & Tim McGraw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited. I would be happy to see one or the other so seeing them together is way beyond exciting. What am I going to wear??? This definately calls for a new outfit.
Congrats to all the cousins on Warren's side that are pregnant or have just had babies! And especially to Bonnie, Cam and Kelsey on the arrival of Leah! We booked our tickets so we will see you all in July.
Since it is Friday, I should get back to work. K