Friday, June 30, 2006

It's hard to see this pic but for the last song they sang a duet sitting in chairs facing each other with and old fashioned mike in between them with their hands on each others knees. It was so beautiful and romantic!

Here is the awesome stage.

Faith Hill singing, you can see her face up on the screen.

At the concert. If you strain your eyes and use your imagination you can see that Faith Hill is on the left and Tim McGraw is on the right.

Our cabbie, Ray. He took us to the concert and picked us up!

After shopping and much primping.....

This is before some serious speed shopping and a crazy cab ride.

We were a little early getting to the hotel so here we are waiting to check in.

Our fearless driver Phyllis!

Here we are driving to Boston!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Well, I guess the title speaks for itself! Lauryn is growing up. She lost a bottom tooth. The tooth fairy left a toonie and an american dollar bill. Usually the tooth fairy only uses her debit card so she had to make do with what she had in the ashtray of her van, I mean magic flying tooth fairy mobile. Ash, Binky and A said that was cheap of the toothfairy for a first tooth, but Lauryn was happy with that! I will be leaving for Boston in 4 MORE SLEEPS!!!! Well, I'm going to have to get a second job because I bought tickets last week for the BARENAKED LADIES! I'm as excited to see them as I am Faith & Tim. They are playing in Charlottetown on the long weekend in Aug. just when we get back from BC. Then yesterday I found out the tickets go on sale at Har. Stn in Saint John on the 24th for the DIXIE CHICKS! Yeah, they are quite expensive so I will try to win them from the radio stn. that is giving them away. I need to think of a story of something that has happened to me and be the right caller. We'll see...Getting an eyebrow wax on Fri. to get ready for Faith & Tim. I don't want them to see me all furry. Lauryn is finished Kindergarten on Fri. She's excited to not have any more homework for a while, actually I'm more excited than her! Brooke is certainly growing up. Her vocabulary is very extensive now. She is a mocking bird. A couple of weeks ago she stubbed her toe on the door frame. She looked down and said, "Owe, damn it!" Warren and I said "What?!?" She took off running so we knew she knew that she shouldn't have said that. We had a good laugh. Later we asked her where she had heard that word and she said, "Mommy says it!" I don't think I do, but anyways, she is like a sponge soaking every word and action up! FUN!!!! Gotta get back to my desk mountain and weed through what I have been putting off.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Well, here it is.....a post!

Well, I will first start by saying that I didn't get to the Antiques Roadshow. The van decided that it needed a transmission instead. However, since I had already booked someone to work I went to Bangor on an impromtu shopping trip.
Mother's Day started with breakfast in bed. After church we went for a bike ride with my new bike that I got for Mother's Day. Warren had to pull both kids in the bike trailer. They really fill it up now. Next year Lauryn will have to learn to ride by herself!
Now for some exciting news.....I am going to Boston in 23 more days to see Faith Hill & Tim McGraw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited. I would be happy to see one or the other so seeing them together is way beyond exciting. What am I going to wear??? This definately calls for a new outfit.
Congrats to all the cousins on Warren's side that are pregnant or have just had babies! And especially to Bonnie, Cam and Kelsey on the arrival of Leah! We booked our tickets so we will see you all in July.
Since it is Friday, I should get back to work. K