Wednesday, September 07, 2005

School Days

Lauryn started kindergarten yesterday. I have mixed feelings about it. She did fine. A few tears this morning when Warren took her. They have to stay outside until 8:25 so I think the big kids were intimidating. She took the bus to her babysitters. I went over to the bus stop to meet her. She had some other kids that go to the babysitters help her and tell her when it was her stop. I was so proud to see her get off the bus. She looked so tired. Today she didn't eat much lunch. She said they forgot to let the kids eat lunch. Anyways, I thought she would be more tired in the evenings, but it's still hard to get her to bed.
I am watching Canadian Idol. Atleast Melissa didn't go. I hope she wins now that Suzi is gone. Gotta go to bed. The mornings are more busy now. Lauryn wants to get the bus in the morning instead of us driving her so she has to be ready at about quarter to ten to eight. Goodnight.