Not really, but kinda.....I finally sat down last Sat. to blog and there were some pics I wanted to post so I can get them from the camera to the computer and usually I can get them from the computer to the blog, but somehow they are stuck somewhere in between and I cannot find them so I gave up last week. Then on Thursday I sat down to do it because Warren was home and he could help me, but I started reading everyone elses blog to Warren while he did dishes (what a guy) and then it was time to get the kids to bed. Lately that has been an hour process at least. Warren and I used to watch Nanny 911 and be so proud of ourselves that we didn't have problems like that, but now sometimes at bed time I feel just like caving in and letting Brooke go to our bed just to avoid all the crying and screaming she does. Oh well, it's not called the terrible twos for nothing.
Warren let me sleep in today and it was wonderful. I actually didn't get out of bed until 12:30. He's still out with the kids. Now it's time to get showered. I'm thinking about taking the kids to see Madagascar. It' s been raining here for weeks and we haven't been able to play outside a lot lately so maybe a movie would be fun. Brooke has not been to a movie before so I don't know if she would sit still the whole time or not.
Lauryn's preschool grad is tomorrow. Also my friend Amy's babyshower. At the same time. Warren will take lots of pics and video the grad so I can watch it after the babyshower.
Just Kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll send my gift to the shower with some else.
Time to go....will hopefully post some pics in the near future.